Fire, little girls and slithery things
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Well, it's been busy around here since Christmas. We had yet another family get-together the weekend after Christmas...again at our we were all going crazy getting everything ready. After that, I went with our youth group to Pineywoods for a short Winter Camp. So I spent New Year's Eve and New Year's day at camp....woo hoo!! I love Pineywoods though.Also, I am officially moved back from least for now. I've been working back here in Rusk and Nacogdoches since the week after Thanksgiving, but my trailer has still been out in G-town. So me and my dad went out last Thursday and packed it up, hooked it up and drug that sucker back home. Now, it's possible that I could end up back out there in a bit....but there's no point in paying rent to keep the trailer there for now.
For anyone who has been concerned, Hope is over her mess that we dealt with over Christmas. She was a trooper, and was doing wonderfully by the day after Christmas. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers on her behalf. To prove that she's alive and well, you'll find a picture below of a loving father showing his daughter that it's perfectly fine to pick up snakes you find in the yard. 'bout that. I was cutting up the top of a tree that fell in our backyard, and found this little guy under the pile. Parents, don't tell your kids those lies about these things being dangerous.....sheesh, that's just ridiculous.
Yeah, but the parents themselves actually have to have the guts to pick up the snake...
Not in my house homie. Not in my house.
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