Sunday, December 16, 2007
So we went to Tyler yesterday to do Christmas shopping. Just a couple things to share about the day. First of all, I hate Christmas shopping for other people. Shopping for myself, or even for Alexis, is fine. I know what I like, I know what I want, I know what I could use, etc. But I very much dislike having to pick out things for people when I have no clue what they need, want, could use, etc. Because I don't like buying gifts that will either be just some cheesy, stupid gift just because I had to find something to buy, or will be something that ends up being totally useless. There, now that's off my chest. Thanks for listening.
Next thing on the list...first of two things that made my day great. We were coming into Tyler, and notice this sign at a Burger King. This is incredibly impressive to me, in a time where you can barely even say "Merry Christmas" without worrying about offending someone. Where the politically correct statement is "Happy Holidays". Whoever is in charge of this Burger King (I know they're franchised, so I'd like to know who owns this place), not only stuck with the "Merry Christmas" end of it, but slams the truth in everyone's face that drives by.I was truly amazed by not only the faith displayed by some people here, but by the guts it takes to make a stand like this as a major business in today's society. Thank you Burger King owner in Tyler.
Next topic....and I guess the last. Those of you familiar with La Carretas in Nacogdoches, you might know that there used to be a La Carretas in Tyler as well (owned by the same guy, by the way). For some reason, they built a new building, moved locations, and reopened only as Carretas. Technically still the same restaurant I guess, but for reasons unknown to me, they dropped the "La". Anyways, my little brother works at Carretas in Tyler. Yesterday was the first time we've eaten there since they've moved and renamed...and also the first time we've been there since he's been working there. We, of course, requested to be seated in his section...and it was quite funny watching him run around serving people. Anyways, a couple pics...Yeah, we're too cool for school. And I made him work hard for his tip, trust me.
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