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Childhood memories

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why do I feel like a little boy again tonight? I'll tell you why......

Cause I bought one of THESE at the WalMart this evening!!!

Yep, a Red Ryder BB gun. Now, why did I buy this? Just for fun.....and to run off this annoying cat that's been hanging around the house lately. Plus, I gotta start Hope off early.

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  1. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:56 PM |  

    careful, you might put your eye out with that thing! my first "weapon" was a reddy...i was so amazingly dangerous with that thing.

  2. Blogger Romack | 6:46 AM |  

    Funny post man. Congrats on the baby, we are very happy and excited for you and Alexis (and Hope, too!). And also....

    You've been tagged. Just fill out the silly MySpace-esque survery, feel like a little girl for 30 seconds, and then move on. Thanks bro!

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