Tonight is the night...for Radiohead
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Heading to Dallas right now to see one of my favorite bands in the world. Possibly one of the most innovative, unique and influential bands in my opinion. I could go on and on about Radiohead and how much I love them.
Alexis could very possibly go into labor at any time now...seriously. When I got tickets a few months ago, we thought we'd be safe since her due date wasn't until June 3...but now we're set to go in and be induced on May 27th, and she's feeling like she won't even make that. So, she graciously let me go on to the concert as long as I promise to answer the phone if needed. The show starts at 7:30, so I'm fully expecting my cell to ring anywhere from 7:20 to 7:45 telling me to get my white butt back home and to the hospital.
I told her if she makes that call in that time period, I'm staying to hear 3 songs of Radiohead.....she didn't think that was funny.
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