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Funny stuff of the day...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I have determined that I just can't sit down and post anything very often. Although I sit here at my trailer doing nothing most evenings...I still can't bring myself to type out anything interesting on here. So I apologize to those of you whom I've disappointed. However, something hilarious happened today...something worthy of posting.

So, I've been here a couple weeks already. I have a dish and receiver that I take with me when I travel like this. Never had any problems getting it set up and working. Well, I've tried 3-4 afternoons/evenings to get it pointed and set up....haven't had any luck so far. So I finally decided to call up the place here in town that does Dish Network stuff, and got a professional to come help me out.

Romack calls after the guy has been here a little while, and we proceed to talk the entire time the guy is working on my dish. Ended up that my dish was warped a little, and he had to replace the actual dish part. So the guy finishes up everything, we're sitting inside the trailer, he's writing up the ticket and I'm paying him. Romack says to me on the phone, "Ask him if he can hook you up with all the nudie channels." The guy said something, then I said to him, "My friend here on the phone wants to know if you can hook him up with all the nudie channels." We all laugh for a minute, and the guy goes on to explain that you could do that back in the day but really can't do it anymore with the new receivers and the cards that they have in them. So, we were absorbing all that when he goes on to say, "If you buy the Latino Package, it comes with Playboy." Romack and I are obviously confused and wondering why only the Latino Package automatically comes with Playboy. Romack tells me to ask if it's in English. I ask, and the guys says these Playboy channels are in Spanish. He is now walking out the door, getting in the truck and ready to leave. As he's walking out, he says, "Not that it really matters if it's in Spanish, it doesn't really matter what they're saying." We're all still busting out laughing at this point. He's opening his door and getting in the truck, and he says, "Yeah, I really don't care what she has to say."

Hopefully this was as funny to everyone else as it was to Romack and I. Asking if he could hack the receiver to get nudie channels turned into a much more interesting/funny conversation that it should have been.

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Author: Jinx » Comments:

You know what I love?

Friday, June 27, 2008

Dark chocolate.
Not milk chocolate, not white chocolate, not whatever kind of chocolates there are....dark chocolate. The darker the better. I think I could've possibly made some sort of joke there about how I like my chocolate the same way I like my women, but I veered away from that one.

Now I realize its not for everyone, but I think it has grown in popularity the past couple years. The Hershey's Special Dark, Dove Dark Chocolate, etc.....I really don't feel the need to start naming brands and varieties. I found a new one in the store today that I just had to buy for the drive home from Marshall....Hershey's Extra Dark with Macadamia Nuts and Cranberries. Interesting and different to say the least, but it was delicious. I can remember years ago (like @ the high school years) where I can specifically recall disliking the slight bitterness, etc. of dark chocolate. But people's taste buds change, of course....and mine obviously developed a liking for this wonderful, dark masterpiece. I'm glad. Regular old chocolate or milk chocolate or whatever is good. But it is oh so nice to give your palette an invigorating change of pace now and then. Make your brain wonder what's going on, and challenge your sense of taste with something new, different and exciting. That's why I love it when I can talk myself into trying something new at a restaurant, instead of getting your usual, old, fail-safe entree. Now, of course, you'll sometimes run across something that just doesn't float your boat and really doesn't work out for you...but at least you can say you tried. Its just a small way to try and live a little, and not get stuck in a rut.

So, long story made short....I love dark chocolate.

I think I might try to make this "You know what I love?" thing a weekly post. I've found it extremely hard to blog since my last post. There have been several things I've wanted to blog about, just finding the time has been difficult. Between taking turns making a baby happy, traveling all over East Texas for work and just working late hours even after getting home from the various courthouses....time just hasn't been there. I know there are some people who can just keep that blogging machine truckin right along, even with their wife in the hospital.....**cough, cough, Todd, cough**....but I just haven't been able to. Twitter has been a great tool for me though. Its soooo much easier to do little snippets throughout the day, especially being able to do it easily from my phone.....I find it hard to easily and fully utilize Blogger from my phone's browser. Anyways, hope nobody missed me....I'm sure you didn't. Maybe it will get better soon. Later homies!

Author: Jinx » Comments:

Real life stuff...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

If you're a parent, you know that this is exactly what it feels like sometimes.
Then there's the times when it feels like this.....absolutely amazing.But I think we all come to the conclusion that it's worth it to endure those times mentioned first to have the times in the second picture. I don't know why, just wanted to share.

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Author: Jinx » Comments:

A New Post!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

So, no blogging for over a week. Why? Oh, no big reason. Just been having a baby and stuff. Been way too busy for this blog stuff. But I have actually been doing this Twitter thing. So if you're the kinda person who needs up-to-the-minute, real time updates and action....you should head over and follow me and others on Twitter. It's pretty cool.

But more about this new baby. If you haven't gotten an email or anything and feel that I should have you in my email list, I apologize. Make sure I have your email.

Caris Joy Jinkins was born May 27, 2008...at 2:35 p.m. to be precise. She weighed 7 lbs. 2.6 oz., and was 20 inches long. She looks like me, so of course she's beautiful. These pics are from the hospital...I have some ones since we've been home, but those can come later.
That's all I've got for now. Enjoy.

Author: Jinx » Comments:

Childhood memories

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why do I feel like a little boy again tonight? I'll tell you why......

Cause I bought one of THESE at the WalMart this evening!!!

Yep, a Red Ryder BB gun. Now, why did I buy this? Just for fun.....and to run off this annoying cat that's been hanging around the house lately. Plus, I gotta start Hope off early.

Author: Jinx » Comments:

Radiohead concert review!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

First of all....no baby phone call last night, which I was very thankful for.The concert was absolutely amazing. I haven't been to a ton of big shows like this....maybe 10 or so. But I've also seen my share of live stuff on video and such. This was probably the best live show I've seen. The interaction with the crowd, the set list, the stage setup, light/video screens, etc.....was all fantastic. They played songs from every one of their albums except their very first, Pablo Honey...which the only song people really know from that album is "Creep".

For anyone who might care, here is....
THE SET: (song and album listed)

All I Need - (In Rainbows - 2007)
There There - (Hail to the Thief - 2003)
15 Steps - (In Rainbows - 2007)
Bangers n Mash - (In Rainbows Bonus CD- 2007)
Nude - (In Rainbows - 2007)
Pyramid Song - (Amnesiac -2001)
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi - (In Rainbows - 2007)
National Anthem - (Kid A - 2000)
Dollars and Cents - (Amnesiac -2001)
Faust Arp - (In Rainbows - 2007)
Videotape - (In Rainbows - 2007)
A Wolf at the Door - (Hail to the Thief - 2003)
Optimistic - (Kid A - 2000)
Reckoner - (In Rainbows - 2007)
Everything in its Right Place - (Kid A - 2000)
Idioteque - (Kid A - 2000)
Bodysnatchers - (In Rainbows - 2007)


Fake Plastic Trees - (The Bends - 1995)
Jigsaw Falling into Place - (In Rainbows - 2007)
House of Cards - (In Rainbows - 2007)
Exit Music (For a Film) - (OK Computer - 1997)
The Bends - (The Bends - 1995)


You and Whose Army? - (Amnesiac -2001)
Paranoid Android - (OK Computer - 1997)

Ok, so maybe I'm a nerd because I typed this set list into my phone throughout the concert....and maybe I'm a nerd because I knew the names of all 24 songs from the 6 different albums, even the 2nd bonus CD of "In Rainbows". I don't care, I'm ok with being a music nerd.

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Author: Jinx » Comments:

Tonight is the night...for Radiohead

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Heading to Dallas right now to see one of my favorite bands in the world. Possibly one of the most innovative, unique and influential bands in my opinion. I could go on and on about Radiohead and how much I love them.

Alexis could very possibly go into labor at any time now...seriously. When I got tickets a few months ago, we thought we'd be safe since her due date wasn't until June 3...but now we're set to go in and be induced on May 27th, and she's feeling like she won't even make that. So, she graciously let me go on to the concert as long as I promise to answer the phone if needed. The show starts at 7:30, so I'm fully expecting my cell to ring anywhere from 7:20 to 7:45 telling me to get my white butt back home and to the hospital.

I told her if she makes that call in that time period, I'm staying to hear 3 songs of Radiohead.....she didn't think that was funny.

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Author: Jinx » Comments: