Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
This is too good not to share. It's like a couple years old, and you may have seen it before...but I still crack up everytime I watch it. I just saw it on somebody's blog somewhere and it reminded me how great it is. For the nerds and geeks everywhere....these guys are the cream of the crop, I'm sure. There is some language, so turn the kids' ears down.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present.....Leeroy Jenkins.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
So Alexis has been doing a little cleaning around the house. With a 2 1/2 year old in the house though, obviously it's never going to be CLEAN. But anyways.....onto the reason for this post.
Our back living room, which is known as the "playroom" in our household, is covered with approximately 284 toys at any given moment....everywhere. It rarely does any good to try and clean this room, because this is where Hope is usually playing....so the toys will find their way back to their random places covering the entire room within an hour. Well Alexis was able, somehow, to clean the entire room up, putting toys back where they belong and managed to keep Hope away.
So we walk in last night from being outside or something, Hope notices the room and shows her amazement....and says what we were all thinking.
She says, "Is that a new carpet???"
Yes dear, it might as well be...
Monday, April 14, 2008
Quote from the show....
Nancy Gribble - "Ugly people sure do ruin a lot. They've done studies with newborns....and if given the choice, babies would rather go to pretty strangers then their own ugly parents."
Peggy Hill - "Well obviously babies aren't as stupid as they look."
I love this show!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Rusk High School has an annual talent show for the students....we call it "Spotlight". The band we had when I was in high school played in it. We rocked the freakin house, if I must say so myself. We played Freebird....that's right, a group of high school guys playing Freebird. And we nailed it. I was the singer and lead guitar. I practiced that 10 minute solo for about 2 months....and I pretty much had it down note for note. For the show, we played a condensed version, for time purposes.....we ended up with only like a 4-5 minute guitar solo. EVERYONE loved us....EVERYONE!!I think the above picture was in the newspaper. Yeah, I'm that skinny dude in the middle....don't really remember being that skinny. We came in second place to this group of 4 guys singing R&B stuff. But even their crowd loved us...more, I think. I'm not sure how the judging worked that year, but I know we got screwed.
This year's "Spotlight" is tonight.....and guess who's been asked to be a judge.
That's right.
Representin' the rock 'n roll bands baby!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
This little dude was on my truck when I got in it and drove off from the house today. He started out on the hood, ended up coming around to my window to get a better look at me I guess. He was a strong little sucker too. Kinda reminded me of the SOBE energy drinks, with the lizard in their logo or whatever. Cause this guy was definitely taking it to the extreme. I think I ended up about 3 miles out of town before he finally flew off...and into the lizard afterlife. A lizard looks pretty funny on the side of your vehicle going 70 miles an hour....they start getting all wobbly and shaking from the wind. Pretty funny, indeed. So, if you ever get a lizard on your car or truck....go ahead and take him for a ride. They love the wind blowing across their scaly reptile skin.....that is, until they can't hold on anymore.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Alright, we've all them....don't try to deny it. Something that we enjoy so much, it makes us happy when we have it/do it, and we look forward to it. It may be something common that everyone around you indulges in as well....it might be that's really not for everyone. If you dare to share yours, I'm sure we'll all enjoy reading it. Ok, not everyone all at once....I'll start.I love The Sopranos. I like mob type movies or shows in general. The Sopranos always intrigued me, and I always wanted to start watching it....but we don't have/didn't have HBO. I didn't even start watching it until after their last season was over...but am catching up quickly. I've got seasons 1-4 on DVD already, nearly done with season 4. So I just need to pick up seasons 5 and 6 to complete my journey now. If anybody has them (which I doubt), go ahead and send it my way. Now, I'm quite sure that this is one of those things (as mentioned above) that is not for everyone. Some may find the show offensive or whatever....there's quite a bit of harsh language, plenty of violence and a tad bit of nudity. But I have come to love the show, and really look forward to the free time I have to sit down and watch an episode or two.
So, everyone...let's hear it. What's your pleasure? Is it a food, a TV show, some secret music that no one knows you listen to, etc, etc.?