I absolutely love this video for some reason. There's beauty in simplicity....I don't need fancy stuff like in most music videos. And, that made this a crazy cheap video to create. Anyways, enough of that. But another example of simplisitic beauty....if you've ever heard the original version of this song by Tears for Fears, you see the vast contrast in this song.
Now, to the point. This is a singer/songwriter named Gary Jules....he's awesome. Song is "Mad World", originally a Tears for Fears song. Enjoy!
I don't know if any of y'all have seen this, but this played during the previews when I was at the movies last night. And on that note, I took myself out to dinner and a movie in Waco. I think this is the first time I've ever been to a movie by myself. It gets boring out here with nothing to do in big ol' Groesbeck though.
But anyways, back to the true reason for this post. I really don't know what the reasons are behind this surge of activity....but first there was the new Rocky movie...and now there's a new Rambo movie!!!!! What's the deal with our boy Stallone lately? I seriously doubt he's hurting for money. This actually looks like it could possible be decent though. Enjoy, my friends.